Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Who is the data Administrator of your personal data?

The Administrator of your personal data is Aplixcom Solutions sp. z o.o. sp. k, located in Krakow [Józefa Marcika 12, 30-443 Kraków]; registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (KRS) by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the KRS under KRS number 0000449275; NIP 954-26-62-274; hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator.”

How can you contact the Administrator?

Questions related to the processing of personal data by the Administrator can be directed:

  • In person or by mail to: Józefa Marcika 12; 30-443 Kraków;
  • By phone at: +48 12 376 95 99;
  • Electronically:

For what purpose and on what legal basis does the Administrator process your personal data?

We inform you that your personal data is collected and processed by the Administrator:

  • To perform agreements or to take steps prior to entering into an agreement of which you are a party. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this respect is Article 6(1)(b) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”);
  • For purposes arising from the Administrator’s legitimate interests, particularly to provide services to the Administrator’s clients, direct marketing, establish, assert, or defend claims related to the Administrator’s business. The legal basis for processing your personal data or your employees’ data in this respect is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR;
  • For purposes arising from legal obligations imposed on the Administrator, particularly tax regulations. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this respect is Article 6(1)(c) GDPR;
  • To respond to your messages sent via the contact form on our website ( or to send an offer via newsletter. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this regard is your voluntarily given consent, constituting the legal basis for processing in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) GDPR;
  • For purposes indicated in consent clauses, provided you have given your consent for processing your personal data for the specified purposes. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this regard is your voluntarily given consent, constituting the legal basis for processing in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) GDPR;
  • For recruitment purposes of individuals interested in working or collaborating with the Administrator. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this respect is Article 6(1)(a), (c), and (f) GDPR, as applicable.

Will your data be transferred to other entities by the Administrator?

Depending on the purpose for which your personal data is processed, it may be transferred to other entities. For example, if your personal data is processed in relation to a recruitment process, recipients may include an external HR department. If your personal data is used to issue an invoice in connection with the provision of a service, it will be transferred to an external accounting department. Additionally, depending on the purpose of processing, your data may also be transferred to a hosting company, external IT department, courier services, postal services, legal firms, or relevant public offices.

We also inform you that the entities we cooperate with provide sufficient guarantees of implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures and thus comply with GDPR requirements.

Your personal data is not transferred to countries outside the European Union, except for information contained in cookies (detailed below). This information may be transferred to entities with servers in countries outside the European Union, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn. These entities adjust their operations to comply with regulations ensuring appropriate personal data protection.

How long will the Administrator retain your personal data?

Personal data collected by the Administrator will be processed as follows:

  • For the duration of the contract, and additionally until the statute of limitations for claims that the Administrator may raise or that may be raised against the Administrator related to the business conducted;
  • For the period necessary to fulfill the Administrator’s legitimate interests, or until you object as described below;
  • For the period required by law, particularly tax law;
  • Until you withdraw your consent for personal data processing, as described below;
  • Until the end of the recruitment process, in connection with which the personal data was provided to the Administrator, unless you consented to the use of the personal data specified in the recruitment documents for future recruitment processes. In that case, the data will be processed for the period indicated in the consent clause or until you withdraw your consent in this respect, as described below.

Rights you have in connection with the processing of your personal data by the Administrator

Please be informed that you have the right to:

  • Request access to personal data processed by the Administrator;
  • If the personal data processed by the Administrator is incorrect, you have the right to request rectification, meaning its modification or supplementation;
  • If your personal data is no longer needed by the Administrator for the purposes for which it was collected, or if you withdraw your consent to its processing, or if you object under the conditions described below, or if the data needs to be deleted to comply with a legal obligation, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data by the Administrator;
  • If you contest the accuracy of the personal data processed, you can request the restriction of its processing while the Administrator verifies its accuracy;
  • Aside from the case mentioned in point d), you have the right to restrict the processing of personal data if it is being processed unlawfully but you do not wish for the Administrator to delete it, or if your data is no longer needed by the Administrator but may be necessary for the defense or assertion of your claims, or if you object to its processing, as described below, while it is determined whether the Administrator’s legitimate grounds for processing are overriding;
  • Request the transfer of the personal data you have specified, provided the Administrator processes it in an automated manner based on consent or a contract.

Additionally, if you believe the Administrator has violated data protection regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, namely the Polish Personal Data Protection Office.

In what situations do you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data?

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if it is processed based on the Administrator’s legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). In such a situation, the Administrator will no longer be able to process your data unless there is a legitimate overriding basis or a basis for establishing, asserting, or defending the Administrator’s claims.

When do you have the right to withdraw consent for the processing of your personal data?

If your personal data is processed based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. To withdraw consent for personal data processing, you should make the request in person, send a registered letter to the Administrator’s address, or email the request to

Withdrawal of consent for personal data processing does not affect the legality of processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.

Consequences of not providing personal data

Depending on the situation, providing your personal data may be a contractual condition or a condition for entering into a contract. Refusing to provide personal data or requesting its deletion may prevent contact or the execution of a contract.

Does the Administrator process your personal data in an automated way?

The Administrator will not process your personal data in an automated way, including for profiling purposes. The above does not apply to information contained in cookies, detailed below.


We inform you that during your visit to our website, the following data is collected, saved, and transmitted:

  • Date of visit and URL of the page visited;
  • URL from which the user was directly redirected;
  • IP address and domain from which access to the page was gained;
  • Browser used;
  • Operating system used;
  • Technical information regarding the visit (HTTP method, HTTP version, HTTP status code, length of transmitted data).

The Administrator’s website uses cookies to make its online offering more attractive and user-friendly. Cookies are small text files saved on the user’s end device. They do not contain viruses or cause any damage to the device.

The Administrator’s website uses “session cookies,” which accompany the user during a session. After closing and reopening the browser, a new session with a new cookie ID begins. In addition, “global cookies” are used to measure website activity and identify the user and session. These cookies are not deleted with the session but after one year.

In your browser settings, you can block the saving of cookies. However, to ensure the proper functioning of the Administrator’s website, we recommend not doing so.

Social Media

The Administrator is active not only on its website but also on various social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, and others). Information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its use by the respective platform can be found in the data protection provisions of the respective operator.

Related Content

The Administrator’s website publishes videos hosted on YouTube. When accessing a webpage containing content from YouTube, a connection to YouTube’s servers is established, and the content is displayed via a browser notification. This way, YouTube’s server receives information about which of our pages you visited.

Links to other providers’ websites

The Administrator’s website may contain links to external websites. Before providing a link, the Administrator ensures that the linked pages contain no illegal content. However, the Administrator has no influence on the development of these websites and does not control or check them regularly. Therefore, the Administrator disclaims any responsibility for the content of these linked websites.